Your Storefront Preview

Why Choose Us?

Side Kick Dog Training has been locally owned and operated for over 10 years. The trainers here at SKDT has over 35 years of experience. Our staff will help guide you through what training equipment and toys are best for you and your dog. We take the guesswork out of what to purchase for your training needs and guarantee success. If you have questions on how the equipment can best help your dog, don't hesitate to contact us so we can further assist you.  

Having the personal guidance from professionals to get the right training and equipment for my Max has made a huge difference in his behavior.  I now enjoy taking Max for a walk. Thank you SKDT!!

Mandee Bailey
SKDT Customer


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2150 N State Hwy NN, Ozark MO

About Us

Misti Fry

store owner

Mission Statement

Springfield Side Kick Dog Training, LLC (SKDT) forges relationships between dogs and their families that are both functional and positive. We exist to help dogs become a family’s perfect partner through training, socialization, and education. SKDT is a skilled resource for families struggling with difficult canine behavior issues. Side Kick team members transform dog and human relationships into cooperative teams. We teach Connection and Trust.